How to evaluate the manufacturing capacity of your supplier

Photo by Bjorn Agerbeek on Unsplash

Most people who are looking to source products independently and without in-country assistance will sometimes ignore one topic, which is the production capacity of a factory. It is important to note that, as a professional sourcing agent, ZakeSports takes the capacity as one of the main elements to making a decision on the outcome brought back to clients.

I will list the details of ZakeSports’ metric system how to specifically evaluate the capacity element when starting a sourcing assignment.

Production equipment

The equipment from the production line must be the first one on the list. The purchasing agent needs to be certain that the manufacturer’s current equipment will be adequate for the new customer. The purchasing agent will consider the customer’s raw material base, specifications of the specific product, and technical requirements. (The agent should also make sure if the factory has a complete contingency plan)

Machinery technology

Reviewing the current machinery is also important. Specifically checking to see how old the machines are, any software used to run the machines, are the machines well maintained with regular maintenance and if there is an issue, how will this affect the product delivery for the customer.

Employee management

The evaluation of employees is the main step. Does the manufacturer have regulations for the health and safety of the employees? What are the plans in case of an employee accident? How many of the employees are new compared to the more experienced? What about the management? Does the employee have a positive outlook on work and the company in general?

The purchasing agent will carefully review the names, titles, amount and degree of education, work history, and experience of the management team.

Are the employees strategically used and accounted for? Are there a number of idle and ill-placed employees and management?

Besides, We should also review if the manufacturer has an ample employee base and solid retention.

Production area

This is a very simple standard metric. A factory of 10,000 square meters (108,000 square feet) has a better production capacity than a factory manufacturing similar products with a factory floor of 1,000 square meters (10,800 square feet).

An ample area for cargo storage is also important, which means much delay sometimes if cargo has been transported so many times among a few warehouses.

Final Thoughts

The manufacturer’s production capacity is exceptionally important to your success. If any of the above areas are lacking to any degree, the quality, quantity, and safe shipment of your products can be compromised. This is why you can trust ZakeSports, as we have already visited and inspected a large number of manufacturers in various industrial clusters across China. We already have excellent manufacturers in mind for most products.

Is there a product you have in mind that we can help you source, produce, and ship? Let us know in a comment below. We will be sure to get back to you in short order.