
We learned from our clients, we treat them as our team members, and we take their business like ours.

That’s why people treat us like a true friends, far beyond the business.

100,000 Plus and increasing

Since 2013, we have been serving over 100,000 plus customers directly and indirectly.

80 Plus, still digging more potential

We are connecting with over 80 partners in our business circles, over one-third of them are close friends.

Over 23 Millions Total Value

So far, we have already brought a total of over 23 million values to our clients and suppliers. As we exchange values, instead of just doing buiness.

Partnership with Invest Western Switzerland of The Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa)
Rewards on 11th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society (TBIS) at Manchester, U.K., 2018

From Clients

“The best thing is about trust, These guys really made me not to have to worry about anything that on their fields.”

“ZakeSports has helped me grow my business from China, Its been a pleasure becuase everything has been easier than I thought with these guys.”